Friday, October 17, 2014

Right of Privacy my arse!

BALTIMORE — THE reputation business is exploding. Having eroded privacy for decades, shady, poorly regulated data miners, brokers and resellers have now taken creepy classification to a whole new level. They have created lists of victims of sexual assault, and lists of people with sexually transmitted diseases. Lists of people who have Alzheimer’s, dementia and AIDS. Lists of the impotent and the depressed.
There are lists of “impulse buyers.” Lists of suckers: gullible consumers who have shown that they are susceptible to “vulnerability-based marketing.” And lists of those deemed commercially undesirable because they live in or near trailer parks or nursing homes. Not to mention lists of people who have been accused of wrongdoing, even if they were not charged or convicted.
Typically sold at a few cents per name, the lists don’t have to be particularly reliable to attract eager buyers — mostly marketers, but also, increasingly, financial institutions vetting customers to guard against fraud, and employers screening potential hires.
More at the NY Times

Thursday, October 16, 2014

I was just kidding
about the handbasket thing...

I don’t scare real easy, but this headline in the NY Times frightens me… “C.D.C. Rethinking Methods to Stop Spread of Ebola”. These people have had 68 years to think and rethink this very situation… I would feel much more secure if they were to say that they were examining numerous options to stop its spread…
"When I say I'm never running for public office in New Jersey again, I mean I'm never running for public office in New Jersey again,…" Chris Christie …"The only job left for me to run for is United States Senate, and let me just say this: I would rather die than be in the United States Senate.”  I'm surprised his nose didn't grow 2 feet! Can you say “political positioning”. This wannabe Presidential hopeful is just screaming to be abused…and who am I to refuse…
And just to clarify my position concerning MY OPINION: My opinion is immaterial, people believe what they want to believe. It’s my job to remember they have the right to their opinion and, in actually, I’m not that important. Fact, truth and belief do not always align, and differ from person to person, based on their experiences and perception. Moreover, I continue to ask myself, would I rather be right or happy…
Enjoy your weekend and try to do something good for someone. Who knows, they might get the impression you actually belong to the human race...

Monday, October 13, 2014

It's all going
to hell in a handbasket!

Gall - substance in abundance in Jesse Jackson when he suggested that the Ebola patient died because he was treated differently since he was black and uninsured…
I got a good laugh this morning reading an article in the NY Times where the “GOP Still Has Doubt About Christie”. It went on to say that there is distrust from conservatives and it “may be the biggest and least understood obstacle”. How hard can it be to understand? The guy is a grandstanding RINO who is far from exhibiting conservative values. He wanted to help people on camera and shut down the bridge when he met resistance, throwing his colleagues under the bus along the way. How could anyone trust this man?
Then I was rather amused at the comedian who it taking flack for what I thought was a pretty good joke… “People shouldn’t be so scared about this virus from Africa. He only has two more years of his presidency.” Steve Howey. Why didn’t he just blame Bush?
I don’t know which is saddest… the 17 year old killed this weekend on a hayride, or liberals that will be screaming for hayride regulation and permits… Accidents happen whether or not there is a permit issued…
So much for the Catholic Church who is now caving in to accept homosexuality and civil unions. Do you think this will help them in their plight of priests molesting children? Probably not, but it’s a good start…