Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Reduce your taxes?
Not a chance!

MORE MINERALS – County commissioners learned Monday that $200 million in mineral values were added to the appraisal rolls for 2009 through 2012. Auditor Ann McCuiston said with a 98 percent collection rate, that means an additional $742,420 in tax money for the county. The “windfall,” as it was described by County Judge Bill McElhaney, will allow the county to allocate extra funds to each precinct, put some in general fund and tuck some away for capital projects. Wise County Messenger Update
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Sorry, but they're going to spend it, not reduce your taxes. Because that's what government does when they come across extra revenue... Sadly, they tell the departments that if they don't spend all the funds budgeted to them, they can expect less money for the next year.
What a lesson in stewardship and leadership. They actually think it's their money; not yours, mine or ours.  Even worse, they think they're helping people by providing more services when all they're actually doing is making people more dependent on government.  

Monday, December 10, 2012

Preparing for Massive Civil War?
"Say goodbye to that America you once knew."

"Due process and judicial process are not one in the same, particularly when it comes to national security. The Constitution guarantees due process, it does not guarantee judicial process." Eric Holder at the 18:36 mark in this video.   
Keep in mind, this video contains clips from more news media than just Fox News and conservative websites...left-wing liberals share grave concerns.
'The government has declared it can lock anyone up forever or kill them without any proof or due process. DHS has placed an order for 450 million rounds of Hollow Point ammo. Obama can now declare martial law during peace time. I think that just about says it all.  
"If you don't fight for your rights, they don't exist. Our constitution doesn't mean a damn thing if we the people don't stand up for it." Or just go back to sleep. Maybe we'll get adjoining cells one day if we're still alive anyway.'  Apr 24, 2012 by alisonserr via Youtube