Friday, November 16, 2012

Where to cut expenses?

Only one group paid cash for their benefits...
One group risked their life for their benefits...

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Quote of the week...

There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.
John Andrew Holmes

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

More Taxes & More Spending
Bigtime! Beginning January 2013!

WASHINGTON — President Obama reassured leaders of labor and progressive groups on Tuesday that he will not yield to Congressional Republicans and extend Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans as he negotiates for a deficit-reduction plan to avoid looming tax increases and spending cuts. New York Times
~ ~ ~

At the heart of this grand deception, is that the targeted "wealthiest Americans" are you, the middle class. If you didn't know, it is you, the middle class, who still possess the bulk of America's wealth. 
It is you, the middle class, who have always paid America's debts. It is also you, the middle class, who will soon be working from January though June or July just to pay your taxes; inflation should pretty much eat up the rest.
Hopefully, you weren't so naive as to think that the ultra wealthy 1% would allow the government (which they control) take away their wealth...
What is most troubling to me, is that our government will not use this money, long term, to reduce the deficit.  National crisis and disasters will continually occur, whether manufactured or not, so as to give valid reason to increase government spending and exceed income.  (I would have said budget instead of income, but our government doesn't have a budget any more.) 
Not only will the President be able to blame Congress, but Congress will blame Congress, which has already begun!  Odd though, that the same ones get reelected...
Bankers and creditors will continue collect your wealth (through the Federal Reserve, IMF and special interest groups) keeping their eye on the prize, government control. History has proven, hungry people are much easier to control...
But, as always, I could be wrong... DC

Easily amused Wednesdays...