Friday, April 9, 2010

While I'm on the subject of taxes...

I find the irony of living and working in America in the 21st century quite disturbing. American dollars have disappeared and been redistributed to other countries and to the ultra-weathly elite, while small business and the working class suffer terribly.

People are jobless, homeless and becoming dependent on an ever increasing, self-feeding government machine bent on dominating every aspect of American life and liberty. There is nothing they don’t have their hands in; regulating, taxing and controlling not only Americans, but other countries as well.

Our government is borrowing and spending $1.9 trillion more than they take in this year. That’s $6,000 for every man, woman and child living here. I wonder how much it will be next year?

Only 47% of working Americans will pay federal income tax this year. That means 53% of Americans get federal services for no charge, compliments of future taxpaying Americans, since presently we just don’t have it.

Politicians today are the most morally bankrupt in our nation’s history. They lie, cheat, steal, bribe, extort and deceive without the slightest amount of guilt and remorse. All of them, Democrats and Republicans, take the high road that is leading us to poverty.

Democrats seem to pilfer the country faster and differently than Republicans, but don’t kid yourself, for the last 20 years, both parties’ actions are responsible for the position we’re in today.

Enjoy your weekend on the lake or golf course; maybe the park or a movie; dinner out or a quiet evening at home. No prosperity has ever been permanent, so enjoy it while you can.

Job 1:21

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Your 2010 tax rate

Makes me want to get fired from my job and draw unemployment for 18 months to 5 years...

click to enlarge

Consequences can be indirect

h/t Phillip

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Rambling on...

Danica McKellar
  • 100 Twitter accounts every guy should follow!

  • Medical helicopters need better safety standards? Ya think?

  • If you are considering buying a gift card or product from one of these companies, you might want to think again, since they look to be going down the tubes.

  • Here is how your taxes will be affected by the new health care bill; starting in 2011. Render unto Caesar...

  • What happens when our government doesn’t have the money to buy as many votes as usual? In New York, as many as 10,000 may lose their homes! NY is one city over-taxing the rich, which doesn’t help since they’re moving out and taking jobs with them. Thank goodness we have FEMA camps...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It starts with a thought…

Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.

Carrie Fisher


Monday, April 5, 2010

Heartwarming mother ~ daughter
special learning moments...

h/t JD

It starts with a thought…

You are not happy because you are well. You are well because you are happy. You are not depressed because trouble has come to you, but trouble has come to you because you are depressed. You can change your thoughts and feelings, and then the outer things will come to correspond, and indeed there is no other way of working.

Emmet Fox

Sunday, April 4, 2010

God bless you
this fine Easter Sunday

There is no Christianity without the resurrection of the Christ. It is in His name I pray, because it's where all authority was given. He set the example. He loved sinners, healed them and gave them power over sin; for over 2000 years now.

May His love abound in you that you may be filled with the Holy Spirit, and experience great joy. It came at a very high price.