Saturday, April 4, 2009

Email of the Day


Kit Lange:
My Predictions for the New Obama "Presidency"

Now that America has shown us all that affirmative action even works in politics; I've compiled a list of things that you can probably expect to happen. These predictions are 80% gleaned from information all of us have access to, and 15% gut instinct based on many years of research, historical study, and being glued to current affairs. The other 5% is just anger at my countrymen's stupidity--I admit it.


- Websites and mass emails offering "free grants," courtesy of the government and "Obama's wealth redistribution." Actually, this one's a freebie, because I have an email with a date and timestamp of literally minutes after Obama was declared the winner, offering exactly that.

- Israel will understand this election was the end of any type of assistance, military or otherwise, from the U.S. , and will stop holding back their defense at the request of the American administration. Look for a first strike on Iran soon, as well as increased activity by the Israeli military in general. Israel is on her own now, and God help us all because of it.

- Look for Iranian retaliation--against American targets. That goes doubly for other terrorist organizations. We just elected a man with the full endorsement of every major terrorist group in the world as leader of the free world. It's the political equivalent of hiring a child molester to babysit your kids while you leave for the weekend. Not only is HE going to have fun with your child, but he'll probably sit and watch while his friends come over and do it too.

- Look for far-left justices appointed to the Supreme Court, effectively tying up the entire government in a trifecta of liberal humanism, the buzzwords of which remain empty platitudes like "hope and change," and the ultimate goal of which is socialism--and soon, sharia law.

- Military cases of troops being tried and convicted for killing the enemy in combat will continue to rise--and the conviction/plea-bargain rate will stay at nearly 100%, as the government seeks to use the best men and women this country has to offer as sacrificial lambs on the altar of global appeasement. Those brave and honorable men who currently reside in prison cells across the country, stripped of their rank, their careers, families, and their good name, will not taste free air again for many years. Their sacrifices and their stories will be forgotten by the general public, remembered only by those of us who continue to fight for them.

- Look for the slow but steady erosion of rights you have enjoyed for your entire lives--all the while being told it's "for your own good." Restrictions on gun ownership, home schooling, encouraged dependence on the ever-growing federal government. More nanny-state provisions will be put into place to protect the "disadvantaged" and the "poor," (read: lazy, uneducated, unwilling to better themselves) even while groups like the unborn, the mentally handicapped, elderly, and terminally ill are slowly pushed toward euthanasia. Of course, this will be done with feel-good phrases like "death with dignity," "not wanting to be a burden," and "merciful release from suffering," all of which ignore the basic fact that we are killing people without their consent for the "good of the people." Before you tell me I'm crazy, let's just remember that Barack Obama was the ONLY senator in the Illinois state senate to vote against providing medical care for babies who were inconsiderate enough to survive an abortion. Also, look for taxes to go up. Yes, they'll go up.

- You think the economy is bad now? Just wait. You'll have the most expensive "free" health care ever. Bread lines aren't just for Russians anymore.

We have traded experience for color, freedom for slavery--and the irony is that the average American sheep thinks their vote somehow righted an ancient wrong, somehow ENDED the specter of slavery and ushered in some beautiful era of liberty. In reality, we are about to be less free than you ever thought possible.

I watched the faces of those crowded into the mob (excuse the pun) in Chicago. They stared at Obama like he was a god, an idol, a panacea to their every want and need. We have truly failed as a nation if we are at the point where we feel we must look to one man to take care of us all, to be our father figure and our sugar daddy. We have lost not only the "can-do" attitude of past generations, but the "MUST-do" attitude of our forefathers. We have allowed ourselves to become reduced from Patrick Henry's proud cry of "liberty or death" to the sniveling, whining idea that we are owed something. We have gone from being the honorable defenders of freedom, to being told we are the problem.

The eyes of Obama and McCain were also telling. McCain acted with class and grace in his concession speech, offering the most honorable response I've seen yet. I don't agree with all of McCain's positions, but it cannot be denied that the man has served his nation--at permanent and severe detriment to himself--for half a century. His eyes were clear and sincere, honest. His speech underlined the very reasons why, of the two men offered, he was hands down the best choice.

On the other hand, Obama's eyes were cold, calculating. His manner was smug and still carried the arrogance he has always had. His facial expression was one of barely disguised disdain for everything people like me believe in. His body language was smooth, polished--
too much so. He talked of patriotism as though it is a value he is familiar with--and yet, his horrifying attitude toward the country he now leads is as well-documented as his friendships with those who seek its demise. He is charismatic to those who don't know what to look for, and he is inspiring to those who cannot or will not think for themselves. However, too many who voted for him are guilty of the most dangerous kind of hypocrisy. You see, we are told daily that we must not see color, just mankind. (We are all family, you know--or so we're told.) And yet Barack Obama was handed the White House on a silver platter by a fawning media, a bevy of foreign donors (who, to this day and in violation of U.S. election laws, remain nameless and unaccounted for), and a populace who voted based on color instead of right and wrong--even in the face of the most damning evidence against a Presidential candidate in many years, perhaps ever.

It is said that the people receive the government they deserve. Sadly, I fear that's correct. We have become complacent, unwilling to see the writing on the wall, content to frolic in the warm water without bothering to notice that it's been getting hotter by the minute. We are two seconds from a rolling boil--and perhaps it is already too late.

So, liberals, enjoy your victory. Jump around. Have a party, file for your free grants. Scream "Gimme my handout!" and make fun of those of us who fought to make sure your "messiah" didn't get access to the most powerful position in the world. Just remember when it all comes crashing down: You own the White House, the Congress, and soon the Supreme Court. You have no one to blame but yourselves for the mess you just created.

As for me, I'm buying my handguns this week so I have an answer for those who will come try to take them.


Kit Lange is an Air Force veteran and military writer who specializes in investigating murder cases stemming from actions in combat. Her work was used as evidence in the Lt. Ilario Pantano case, and has been quoted extensively in other news publications for other cases. In 2005, she co-wrote a 10-part series disproving war crime allegations against an elite Army unit; her blog, Euphoric, was named as one of the top 10 milblogs of the year. She is also the National Web Coordinator for Gathering of Eagles, a nationally-recognized troop support organization. Kit holds a degree in Aircraft Maintenance Technology from Spartan College of Aeronautics, and is working on a second degree in Aviation Technology Management. She resides in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

TSA doesn't care about your rights...

...especially if they suspect you support
Ron Paul or the Campaign for Liberty!

Big brother is getting much bigger and much bolder. If it weren't for the FBI agent, who must have done a background check on the kid, he would have gone to jail for carrying $4,700 and political literature. One word, fascism.


Verbal attack on Pro life advocates...

This guy is cussing me too since I'm a pro-life advocate and believe Jesus is gonna save me. His freedom of speech may be protected, but his attorneys will charge big money to defend him. More info at Hip Hop’s website.

EDIT: I'm sure a civil suit against this man will be forthcoming... exacting revenge through attorneys' fees. It happens all the time.

Sick humor

Friday, April 3, 2009

Unecessary Humor

Seat belts can be an imposition.

Coming soon, Sharia Law

Taliban justice for 17 year old girl

h/t Gateway Pundit

Worthy of attention

Fannie, Freddie Set to Pay $210 Million in Retention Bonuses Watch Obama defend them. Wall Street Journal

ANOTHER LIE HOAX: 90% of all firearms captured by Mexican officials in drug busts come from the US. It's more like 17% Fox

Hamas now using Chinese Rockets! Guess where they got the cash?

"My Administration Is Only Thing Between You & the Pitchforks" Barack Obama to bankers... Gateway Pundit

Email of the Day

9 Things I Hate About Everyone

1. People who point at their wrist while asking for the time.... I know where my watch is pal, where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is?

2 People who are willing to get off their ass to search the entire room for the T.V. remote because they refuse to walk to the T.V. and change the channel manually.

3 When people say "Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too". Damn right! What good is cake if you can't eat it?

4 When people say "it's always the last place you look". Of course it is. Why the hell would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this? Who and where are they?

5 When people say while watching a film "did you see that?" No Loser, I paid $12 to come to the cinema and stare at the damn floor.

6 People who ask, "Can I ask you a question?" Didn't really give me a choice there, did ya sunshine?

7. When something is 'new and improved!' Which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it, couldn't be new.

8 When people say "life is short". What the hell?? Life is the longest damn thing anyone ever does!! What can you do that's longer?

9 When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks "Has the bus come yet?" If the bus came would I be standing here, dumbass?

Maddening News

G20 Gets First Glimpse of America's New Socialist Leader Gateway Pundit

House approves $3.6 trillion budget blueprint Breitbart
WANTED: Home with a Australia. Can I fill it with debt-free grandchildren?

Meet the man alledgedly responsible for AIG’s meltdown. He looks to be suffering terribly… Hal Turner

How many DWI’s/DUI’s should it take to put someone in jail for life?
Star Tribune

Americans going Red

Party for Socialism and Liberation

Se habla espanol!

Disguises for college professors available at nearby locations. Bring your student ID and get lodge seating. We have films for the kids. Volunteers get a free hat and Tshirt.

No cameras or photographs.
PSL media only.

God Bless America

inferences added by Denney Crane

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Neil Cavuto, hater of theatrical arts...

Neil has a problem with song & dance
no matter how much talent involved!

You don't think Mr. Cavuto lost any money in the market lately?

April fools video of the year

Unnecessary Humor

h/t Bob Parks

Since Hilary was unsuccessful on her trip aboad, President Obama has decided to go to London himself for the G20 Summit. He's gonna be shopping for a $10 trillion line of credit. Since no one has that much money and our government *owns them*, he may just threaten to print more...ever seen a $100,000 bill?

*If you owe the bank $100,000, they own you.
If you owe them $100,000,000, you own them.*

Such leverage is very dangerous when risking the entire world's economy. Businesses evalute risk vs reward. With the current US spending budget and government stimulus, the risk is far greater than the reward. All hope is not lost, there are two financial institutions who have preapproved the US for unlimited funds, Citigroup and Bank of America.

Hypothetically, would you loan money to Hugh Essay if he sued you and wrote off 30% of your assets? Lost money on all his cash cow businesses? Rewrote your contract? Insisted you donate to his favorite charity? Was sincere, half the time? Felt superior to everyone? Broke the law when it suited him? Was continually involved scandal? Had to watch, daily?

What if Hugh Essay was able to bankrupt you and create strife for you; your family, friends, neighbors and entire community? Had employees monitor you and your associates? Was one of the most powerful people in the world? Used his power to get his way, on a regular basis?


Email of the week

A little boy wanted $100.00 very badly and prayed for weeks, but nothing happened. Then he decided to write God a letter requesting the $100.00.

When the postal authorities received the letter to God, USA, they decided to send it to the president…

The president was so amused that he instructed his secretary to send the little boy a $5.00 bill.

The president thought this would appear to be a lot of money to a little boy.

The little boy was delighted with the $5.00 bill and sat down to write a thank-you note to God, which read:

Dear God: Thank you very much for sending the money. However, I noticed that for some reason you sent it through Washington D.C. and those assholes took $95.00 in taxes.

h/t Bob Parks


A protestor with a sense of humor.

ST PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - Protesters demand the end of capitalism, the banking industry, and democracy! Reason

Since when have Russians considered themselves a capitalistic democracy?

Why would anyone blame democracy, capitalism and banks when their system doesn't subscribe to these ideologies? Communism Federalism and command economies have problems too.

I get no satisfaction or joy from the Russian people suffering from the economic crisis. Other countries are at a much greater disadvantage than the US. At least we still have food, water and shelter; sadly, shelters are becoming a commodity.

Although blame is nonproductive, greedy government officials and other power whoremongers, with their interference in business and economic regulation, have orchestrated this crisis; all in an effort to dominate anything they don't already control. The perpetrators are getting exactly what they wanted; an inconceivable payoff. They also control the militias that protect them. Yea, I know...I'm a real nutjob.

but, as always, I could be wrong...


Bumper sticker of the week

Texas Tea Parties & other news

Texas Tea Parties…coming to a town near you April 15th. Here’s your chance to make a statement and stand for irresponsible government spending, hope to see you there. AFP

Muslims Awarded $1.3 Million From Manufacturer for Not Offering Prayer Breaks Gateway Pundit

Thanks to campaign finance reform, you can go to jail if you make a video that makes a politician look bad. SNL doesn't stand a chance! Reason

Michael Moore has a problem with the “King of the World”, our beloved President Barrack Obama. You want it, you got it… Toyota! . Michael

If you’re not cool, popular or a minority, you’re not a good Republican speaker! What a load of crap. Hot Air

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The John Hancock Tower, New England's tallest office building, sold in a foreclosure auction Reuters

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

You gotta see these!

Amazing photos from Afghanistan. h/t Three Wise Men

I'm sure the Afghan locals really appreciate Americans destroying their crops. I don't care if they are poppy fields. Destroying these people's income will not make our troops popular; it will probably get some killed. I'm sure the $1.5 billion a year we give the Afghan government will not be used to reimburse them.

EDIT: Caught this after posting. I'm not the only one who uses their demented brain... “By eradicating coca plants in Colombia or poppy fields in Afghanistan, prohibition breeds resentment of the United States. By enriching those who produce and supply drugs, prohibition supports terrorists who sell protection services to drug traffickers.” CNN

This is so hypocritical... destroy these peoples livelyhood while American Presidents pardon the biggest drug dealers convicted and imprisoned in the US. I'm sure their competitors, as well as terrorists are celebrating.

Dopeheads kill themselves fast enough as it is... let the Afghans make a living!

Does this type of behavior remind you of anything from our past? Air America...

God Bless American soldiers, you're in my well as your families!

Denney Crane


New York Times cartoon not well received in Israel Israel Insider

I would expect this cartoon in a newspaper in WWII Germany, Iran or Syria, but not in the US. Fighting terrorists who bomb you and kill your children should not be demonized.

Speaking of haters, did you know that Texas is second for the number of hate groups located in America? Can you guess the number 1 state?


Lawmakers use troopers to clear Iowa State House

Have a debate, oppose lawmakers plans on a new tax, have state troopers called in to remove you from the building! This my fellow Americans is the state government militia. This is how it begins; American history has shown us how it ends. You make the call!

Solution for Mexico border war...

...thoughtfully brought to
you by Red State Update

Please tell me how anyone can use drugs responsibly? It's failed in every country that has legalized it.

Happening in America

It’s Okay to be corrupt… ‘It's Because I Take Care of My District' Reason

Lessons in grass roots politics… Gateway Pundit

VIRGINIA: Get out of jail cheap… Reason

Let’s continue to attack Sarah Palin. Since we can't find corruption, let's make stuff up... Where are all the feminists that should be defending her like they do Hilary? Gateway Pundit

Paying off the Unions with Stimulus cash… Reason

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

To those who look and do not speak...

No comment?

...cowards, all of you!

It's time to voice your opinion!

I could care less if you don't agree...

just speak!

Poor Ashley Biden

Poor Ashley Biden Was Set Up. President Obama’s new era of personal responsibility… Bob Parks

It's all his fault, he made me put that shit up my nose!

Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House of Representatives

Newt Gingrich is probably one of the biggest political threats to 'big government' and 'politics as usual' in America. He happens to be a former environmental studies professor, as well as an expert on world history, military issues, and international affairs. He is intelligent, articulate, analytical, conservative, patriotic, solution oriented and unpopular.

His stance on many of the following issues make a conservative like Newt unpopular. On The Issues

Government should take management lessons from the private sector.

Government is too big, too intrusive, too easy with money.

Impeach judges who don’t abide by Constitution as written.

Insist on judges who understand our rights come from God.

Constitution says freedom OF religion, not FROM religion.

Supreme Court hostile to religion, but building based on it.

Creator as source of liberty is literally written in stone.

Removing “God” from Pledge assaults our identity.

Protectionism helps China & India challenge US supremacy.

Market competition yields more health choice at lower prices.

Re-focus Medicare on preventive health instead of sickness.

Contain nuclear threats: China, Russia, Pakistan, North Korea.

Military tribunals to lock people up the way Lincoln did.

Biological threat bigger than nuclear threat.

No US troops under UN command; more defense spending.

Union leaders prefer protection over competition.

Liberals exploit weakness; conservatives offer strength.

Our civilization is a shared opportunity to pursue happiness.

Invest in scientific revolutions: energy, space, environment.

Nanotechnology combined with biotech will transform society.

Defend America & allies from those who would destroy us.

Even if Iraq IS a civil war, people have won civil wars.

Pressure Iran to cut off Iraq, including blockading Iran.

Date for withdrawal means terrorists exalt & follow us home.

Reach majority by better ideas, not by handing out goodies.

Limit welfare to 2 years & cut welfare spending.

3-strike laws are constitutional; enforce courts compliance.

Voted NO on replacing death penalty with life imprisonment.

More prisons, more enforcement, effective death penalty.

Introduce competition among schools and teachers.

Waive interest on student loans for math & science grads.

Voted YES on giving federal aid only to schools allowing voluntary prayer.

Make employee educational assistance tax-deductible.

Aging baby boomers need more independent & assisted living.

Use tax code to reinforce families.

Email of the day...

Self Defense

A woman was called in front of a Texas grand jury for possible manslaughter charges after she shot a mugger 6 times in the back as he was running away with her purse. He had grabbed the purse and ran. She had her hand on her gun in the purse when he grabbed the purse and she was left with the revolver in her hand.

When asked by the grand jury why she shot the man 6 times in the back as he was running away, she replied under oath: "Because when I pulled the trigger the 7th time it only went click".

She was acquitted of all charges. That's the way it is in Texas.

Explain why she's wrong?

Denney Crane

Eminent Domain

This land is your land, this land is our your land...

In Texas, developers sue to keep people from writing about eminent domain abuses. So much for freedom of speech.

The cost of taking out an ad in protest of eminent domain may not include attorney’s fees. The Leaf Chronicle

The government believes you, the people, are small potatoes...


Unnecessary News Poop

AIG pressed employees to give $160,000 to Senator Dodd campaign in 2006. Washington Times

It’s unconstitutional to pray to Jesus, but not Allah! That’s the ruling of Obama’s newest federal judge nomination. Gateway Pundit

"No Comment" President Obama names AIG board of director to new Task Force on Tax Reform. CNN

Since Democrats are anti-energy; they are hosting an travel junket energy forum in Washington next month… Gateway Pundit

The “Teleprompter in Chief”… I do love it so! Sharky

United Nations Water Police Blacklisted

Monday, March 30, 2009

Unnecessary Humor

Russian space agency Rosksomos now accepting contemplating reservations: $25 million for first trip, $35 million for second, future trips will require much more compensation consideration. Maybe if you buy them the arctic circle or a Presidential library in Chicago. Billionauts only...


Nobel Prize for proven theory

american public IQ < plant life IQ


I’m thinking about selling paper shredders in DC. If the government continues to suppress TARP & Stimulus payouts, there's going to be a lot of paper permanently missing. I’m sure the Treasury and Federal Reserve have the stroke to erase bank records – worldwide.

Can anyone name one country on earth that has never violated a UN Resolution? How about a successful UN sanction?

Terrorist Camps in America

Safe & protected by our Constitution

Federal government & their apathetic employees

Don’t work for the federal government, unless you want to become a lying, worn out, uncaring employee. Ironically, it’s at the Department of Labor. Larger government means more uninterested employees, and more waste.

Question of the day...

THE question: Is it un-American to boycott GM and Chrysler?

I have never, ever purchased or owned a vehicle from anyone other than GM, Ford or Chrysler because I want to support the American auto industry; that’s gonna change!

Other troubling questions...

If GM can build vehicles in Mexico and Canada, why should they receive a taxpayer bailout?

Will the government force us to buy GM vehicles or just continue to force us to pay their bills?

Since redistribution of wealth is a priority of the current administration, why don't they just seize the assets of the thousands of individuals who have become multi-millionaires from dealing with GM and Chrysler?

Yea, I know I'm crazy...but I'm angry, and you should be too.


More Poop!

Convicted of heroin possession, theft, embezzlement, spousal abuse, obstructing an officer, prostitution and/or identity theft? Sacramento County's Child Protective Services is hiring! Sacramento Bee

Just as suspected, TARP funds are being used for political contributions.

Human enhancement and reprogramming versus ethics? Government defense contractors prefer synthetics.

Highlights from the Jay Leno/Barack Zobama show. Obamavision...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

and his position on ethics...
from his own website

Check out # 3 in particular. I am relearning the word "ethics" so I can explain it to my grandchildren.

New Republican Campaign Video

Now I see the urgency in passing these spending bills. We vote in 20 months. We may be bankrupt before we can find a conservative that won't betray voters.

May God bless You this fine Sunday.

Real Estate redistribution

HEARTBREAKING PHOTO SLIDESHOW: Legal Americans forming illegal encampments: depression era communities. NY Times Thank goodness our animal shelters are working.

Widow may have trouble
selling $150 Million home

I don't normally watch music videos, but...

I enjoyed this one.

Stolen from The Donald...